iPhones are great devices with excellent camera quality, fast speed, ease of use, and many other specifications. But do you know which other thing adds to their popularity? Yes, you guessed it right– the not-so-good battery life. Often you must have heard iPhone users talking unapologetically about their draining iPhone batteries. And, it’s a never-ending issue whether you pick iPhone 11 batteries or iPhone 13– same story, just different iPhone models. 

The story of the iPhone 14 model is still underway, so wait before we make any comments on that.

Nonetheless, battery life is an issue that comes with time and maintenance. However, it is difficult to decide when your iPhone 11 battery needs replacement. Using the same old battery puts your device at risk. So, to help you get through all the confusion here’s what we found out: 

Apple is working to resolve the battery problem; however, batteries, whether android or iPhones have a limited life span. As per Apple Experts, after 500 complete charges, iPhone’s battery life reduces to 80%. The number doesn’t mean you need to rush to an Apple store immediately; it indicates that the charge-retaining capacity of your iPhone 11, 12, or 13 will decrease. 

Does that mean iPhone users need not replace the iPhone 13 battery? 

Well, it depends on usage. Suppose you watch a lot of Instagram reels or youtube shorts on an iPhone; then it’s normal for battery capacity to reduce below 80 to a level that may need urgent replacement in a few weeks or months. 

However, when usage is less, you can hold iPhone 13 battery replacement for another year or so.


Usage and iPhone models will play a decisive role in battery replacement. So play fewer games or videos to prevent your battery health from deteriorating further. And, if you believe the iPhone doesn’t give an optimum performance like earlier due to screen or battery issues, opt for iPhone 11 screen replacement or battery replacement from Screen Shelf. They sell premium quality phone parts for all iPhone models, ensuring a quick and hassle-free experience. Check out ScreenShelf’s website now!